I'm not talking about .highlight, that changes the color of highlight in search results. How do you change the highlight color? I'm assuming this is something that you don't do in the ACP, probably a JS. Any help would be appreciated.
Yes it is in ACP.
Admin CP > Templates & Style > Select your theme > global.css > Selector: .highlight > Edit the "Background" field.
(2012-03-11, 03:26 AM)cfillion Wrote: [ -> ]Yes it is in ACP.
Admin CP > Templates & Style > Select your theme > global.css > Selector: .highlight > Edit the "Background" field.
No, that's for search highlight. I'm talking about when you highlight something.
::selection {
background: red;
::-moz-selection {
background: red; /* Firefox */
Add this to global.css. Change red to whatever color you choose.