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I'd like to change the color of the thread starter's name. I want the thread starter's name to be black and NOT underlined. How do I do this?
.postbit_author {

display: inline-block;
float: left;
margin: 10px 0px;
padding: 0px;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: top;
white-space: nowrap;
width: 180px;

Go to:
Admin CP -> Templates & Styles -> Themes -> YourTheme -> Global CSS

Edit the Above, and style it how you wish.

Although, if you don't have that, try adding it in at the bottom of Global.Css, either way it should do the trick for you.

Also, If you don't have that code I forgot this Toungue

You have to add it to your Div Class

Go to ForumDisplay_thread in the Templates -> Yourtemplate -> Forum Display Templates

<div class="author smalltext">{$thread['profilelink']}</div>

Now add it in the Global.css, edit to your liking in your good

Crap... I think I worded this one wrong too..... Not having a good week...

Anyway, I meant to say in the thread listing, not the postbit. My bad. Could you help me with this? Sorry for the inconvenience. The part in the red boxes and only the red boxes.

[Image: mybbth10.jpg]
(2012-03-18, 03:23 PM)Hazzard Wrote: [ -> ]Crap... I think I worded this one wrong too..... Not having a good week...

Anyway, I meant to say in the thread listing, not the postbit. My bad. Could you help me with this? Sorry for the inconvenience. The part in the red boxes and only the red boxes.

[Image: mybbth10.jpg]

Ok well instead of explaining it Toungue I figured this would be easier: