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Full Version: Problems Viewing in IE9
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Ok, I'm sure this has been gone over a hundred times, but my forums when viewed in IE9 look all strange. The standard icons (top and bottom) float with the page and next to my categories it says x "no new posts" in what looks like an error box. Really destroys the forum look. I am running it on a CentOS system, dedicated, with triple core processor and 2GB RAM. I have loaded the "blaze red" template I believe. Looks great in Firefox, but Internet Explorer, looks trashy. Same with Google Chrome. I use Firefox, but the "commoners" go with w/e Windows pushes. Check it out at . Let me know. I can't leave it like this Confused Any suggestions would be helpful, and no I really don't wanna' give up the template. Oh yeah, newest version myBB. Started with clean install. System supercedes minimum requirements (newst php 5.x.x, mySQL 4.x.x, PERL, etc.)
It looks bloody strange on Firefox too...
Right click and select View Image:
[Image: 2w5269u.png]
It's not the browser, it's your forum. Images are broken and whatnot.
(2012-03-22, 07:50 PM)Yamaha Wrote: [ -> ]It's not the browser, it's your forum. Images are broken and whatnot.

When I view it through my Firefox (newest) it looks fine. Just small fonts.
I don't exactly know what you guys are seeing.
You should come with a screenshot.
However, the problem is caused by the wrong images location, or by the missing images. Check the images location by entering in Templates & Style->(your theme)->Image Directory. Also, you said that you used the "blaze red" templates. Check the images address inside the templates, too.
(2012-03-22, 07:52 PM)reaper75 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012-03-22, 07:50 PM)Yamaha Wrote: [ -> ]It's not the browser, it's your forum. Images are broken and whatnot.

When I view it through my Firefox (newest) it looks fine. Just small fonts.
I don't exactly know what you guys are seeing.

I'm seeing broken images and lots of different fonts.
Got 'er done. Thanks for the images tips guys! I had just uploaded wrong. Kinda' feel like an arse, but that's ok. You guys pushed me in the right direction. I guess if I would have payed attention to my FTP'n. Oh well, it's cool now. Thanks again all. Check it now!
BTW was in class that's why so long for reply. Smile