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Full Version: "This file is not meant to be run from MyBB"
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I don't know how/when this happened, I just went to add an AdSense mod so I could cover the cost of a cheap domain without it coming directly out of my wallet.

So I do like normal, I use FTP to upload the mod files to the /inc/plugins and /jscripts folder then I realize that I can't do anything in the ACP that has anything to do with plugins. I just get an error saying "This file is not meant to be run from MyBB."

I did not change folder permissions or anything else to do with the plugins, it just happened. I also noticed that it happened before I uploaded this new mod when I was trying to update plugins, I thought I just might not be able to update them but I can't activate or deactivate them or anything.

Oh yes, also this worked for several weeks before this happened to me. This is something new that I have never seen before and I never changed any settings that could cause this.
[Image: err1.jpg]

Please help.
Thanks in advance.
You likely uploaded the wrong file to the wrong directory.
I don't recall ever doing that, looking in the /inc/plugins/ folder I don't see any files that are out of place. I always make sure the files go to the right folder after I read the readme.txt (even though installation is usually the same).

Any other known issues that could cause this??
Also, just in case, for the sake of double checking... How would a misplaced file cause this, and what type of file would I be looking for that would cause this specific error message?
Do this.

Backup the plugin files in inc/plugins/

Delete them all.

Check admincp.

If it's fixed then you know it's one of those files.

Okay I got it, it was this myShoutbox 1.7 mod that caused it.

I must have accidentally put the one that was supposed to be in the main forum directory in with the ./inc/plugins/ folder. Though I don't know why deleting all of the plugins didn't fix it but whatever it is solved now.

Thank you very much, labrocca. Big Grin