2012-03-29, 02:59 AM
I have renamed the guest group as Visitor
in the options for this group I have nixed the following features:
Posting/Rating Options?
Can post new threads?
Can post replies to threads?
Can rate threads?
Still I am getting spammers posting stuff and when I go to use the board not logged in using a diff browser I can post and reply. As well I have tried a proxy, I can still post.
Any thoughts or ideas as to a fix?
in the options for this group I have nixed the following features:
Posting/Rating Options?
Can post new threads?
Can post replies to threads?
Can rate threads?
Still I am getting spammers posting stuff and when I go to use the board not logged in using a diff browser I can post and reply. As well I have tried a proxy, I can still post.
Any thoughts or ideas as to a fix?