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Full Version: Properly running a Java Applet in a Forum Thread??
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Hi, thanks for helping
How do I make this Java Applet run in a forum thread with html on without interfering with the forum such as the quick reply function at the bottom of the thread?

If there's a plugin that will allow please link it.
<applet code="vNES.class" archive="/jscripts/vNES_215.jar" height="480" width="512">
 <param name="rom" value="/games/nesroms/">
 <param name="romsize" value="">
 <param name="sound" value="on">
 <param name="stereo" value="on">
 <param name="scanlines" value="off">
 <param name="scale" value="on">
 <param name="fps" value="">
 <param name="p1_up" value="UP">
 <param name="p1_down" value="DOWN">
 <param name="p1_left" value="LEFT">
 <param name="p1_right" value="RIGHT">
 <param name="p1_a" value="NUMPAD0">
 <param name="p1_b" value="DECIMAL">
 <param name="p1_start" value="ENTER">
 <param name="p1_select" value="SPACE">
 <param name="p2_up" value="W">
 <param name="p2_down" value="Z">
 <param name="p2_left" value="A">
 <param name="p2_right" value="S">
 <param name="p2_a" value="F">
 <param name="p2_b" value="G">
 <param name="p2_start" value="1">
 <param name="p2_select" value="2">
Have you tried using the HTML in posts plugin to do this?
Download the plugin at:
The reviews on it say that is caused a MySQL error. I tried using the above applet with html option on but it caused the data after the first thread post and posting functions to disappear.
Not Solved.

Still wanting to do this.. OKAY, IDEA!

How could I MyCode this so that all the user would have to do is wrap the attachment link (which would be a rom) so that the mycode would parse this Java applet in a contained div?

Code example would be helpful, excluding the java applet source of course.. an insert here type of explanation would be incredible!