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Full Version: Tasks Not Running?
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Brilliant, thanks Euantor Smile

~ David
Don't think this worked as the vip membership task is set for minutes: * hours: * and days: *

The next run says: 01-01-70, 01:33 AM


~ David
01-01-70? That's an odd next run date haha. I'll take another look in a few minutes.
Ok thanks Smile

~ David

Thanks Smile

~ David
I seriously have no idea why this is happening. Anybody else on the team got any ideas what could be wrong?
Anyone got any ideas what could be wrong? I've got tasks that should be running on my forum that can't! Please help.

Thanks Smile

~ David
(2012-04-09, 07:55 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]Looking at the task listings, they all have incorrect next run dates set. Could you try running this query so the next run time for every task will be set to run in 10 minutes from writing this post.

UPDATE mybb_tasks SET `nextrun` = '1334004864',  `nextrun` = NOW() WHERE 1

then we can see if they get run or not.

not to invade a thread or anything, but the tasks are always like that. on every single mybb forum I run, some tasks say they'll run next on X date at Y time, but that date is present and the time has already went by...
(2012-04-02, 01:29 PM)vernier Wrote: [ -> ]Hey,

The tasks don't run on my board. The times are set for:

Minutes: *
Hours: *
Days: *

Thanks Smile

~ David

You have * for minutes, hours, and days for every task?
Maybe that's the problem. I'm just taking a wild guess here, if you're using a server with limited resources, and you're trying to run all your tasks at the same time, that may not be the best idea.

Try spreading some of your tasks apart, some of mine run in increments of 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
Not for every task, only a few, like vip membership Smile

Thanks Smile

~ David
Pages: 1 2 3 4