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Full Version: The Rep System
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Tikitiki Wrote:Its been fixed in the latest code already.
Ok, it kinda sucks that you can see the persons rep number, but not the rep comments Sad
i personaly dont like the rep system, especialy not for this type of community, this is a support community, why would members need a reputation?
willow Wrote:i personaly dont like the rep system, especialy not for this type of community, this is a support community, why would members need a reputation?

Don't forget theres a Code Modifications and a Templates, Theme Sets and Graphics forum. Don't you wish people to give u some "Reputation" points for your hardwork?

Giving "Reputation" is the same like saying "Thank You" to the person. Its sad to see that the system is abused. Sad
yep, perhaps only the people who make things can use the rep system?

or moderate the reps?

who made the rep mod anyway? you think they got permission to use it?
The rep system currently doesn't have any way of "moderating", though I requested it. And the rep mod was built my smethead (i think), but we made our own rep system.
I think the question of the thread starter has been answered. I have closed this thread to prevent this thread becoming like the one that was removed by the moderation team.
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