I uploaded a plugin, and when I came back to my computer I see this error when I try accessing it. Any idea's how to resolve this error?
So far i've tried reloading the functions_forumlist.php from a backup and the mybb original. I've deleted the plugin and everything that came with it.
Did you CHMOD the plugin correctly?
When uploading this plugin I accidently misclicked DS_Store and that uploaded in the plugin's section too, can't find it to be able to delete that.
Any help?
Go to ACP > Templates & Style > Templates > **expand templates et for your theme** > Forum Bit Templates > which templates here have a green name?
(2012-04-07, 02:22 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Go to ACP > Templates & Style > Templates > **expand templates et for your theme** > Forum Bit Templates > which templates here have a green name?
forumbit_depth2_forum and forumbit_depth1_cat
It's most likely forumbit_depth2_forum with the problem then, the plugin's probably tried to edit it and it hasn't worked; click Options next to that name and then Revert to Original, see if that fixes it.
Thanks for that, Now it has aligned everything to the center.
Nevermind fixed.