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Hey guys, I imported a database, so my statistics show the site started a year ago, and my threads/day is like .09, and thats.. false...
Is there a way to reset that?
Not without changing the date of some of the posts I believe. It would be more hassle than it's worth really.
Eh :3
I presume you'd have to go into the DB to do that right?
Just showing off a .09 threads/day is embarrassing xD
Yes, you would. if you're dead set on doing it, I could show you how to do it if you give me the unix timestamp of your true first post.
Sunday, December 11th, 2011 02:50 PM
No idea on a "Unix Timestamp"
Go into phpmyadmin, open the mybb_posts table and look for your true first post (PID1). Look at the column called "dateline" and post it's value here.
I Think posts 1-4 were deleted, as 5 is the first :3
Yea, posts 1-4 don't exist :3