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Full Version: Explaining MyBB's Similar Thread Relevancy Rating
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in the ACP we can set the relevancy rating for similar threads via a number between 0 (not relevant) and 10 (highly relevant). But how exactly does this work? What do those numbers do? How does MyBB check if there are similar threads?

I ask this because I want to modify the similar threads box but can't get it to show up. I only have a local half finished test forum and I created threads with nearly identical topic titles and content.

Any help/explanation please?
It uses the built-in SQL functionality of MATCH...AGAINST (or TS functions in pgsql) to determine the relevancy of of other threads.
Hm.. this means that topics that have very similar titles are similar threads? Then why does the similar thread box not show up?
(2012-04-22, 03:38 PM)mattias Wrote: [ -> ]Why does the similar thread box not show up?
You may have disabled it in the past.
I don't.
Set the relevancy to 0 if you don't have much content. You might still find nothing shows if you don't actually have similar threads.