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Full Version: Req- Album Slideshow And Others Modifications
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I found this on net can someone made similiar for mybb

// Slideshow - Begin 
    if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['slideshow']) && (intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['slideshow']) > 0)) 
        $template->assign_block_vars('switch_slideshow', array()); 
        $slideshow_delay = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['slideshow']); 
        $slideshow_onoff = $lang['Slideshow_Off']; 
        $slideshow_link = append_sid("album_showpage." . $phpEx . "?pic_id=" . $pic_id); 
        $slideshow_link_full = '<a href="' . $slideshow_link . '">' . $lang['Slideshow_Off'] . '</a>'; 
        $next_pic = append_sid("album_showpage." . $phpEx . "?pic_id=" . $pic_id . "&amp;mode=next&amp;slideshow=" . $slideshow_delay); 
        $prev_pic = append_sid("album_showpage." . $phpEx . "?pic_id=" . $pic_id . "&amp;mode=previous&amp;slideshow=" . $slideshow_delay); 
        $slideshow_delay = 5; // Sets a default value even if not used 
        $slideshow_onoff = $lang['Slideshow_On']; 
        $slideshow_link = append_sid("album_showpage." . $phpEx . "?pic_id=" . $pic_id . "&amp;slideshow=" . $slideshow_delay); 
        $slideshow_link_full = '<a href="' . $slideshow_link . '">' . $lang['Slideshow_On'] . '</a>'; 
        $next_pic = append_sid("album_showpage." . $phpEx . "?pic_id=" . $pic_id . "&amp;mode=next") . '#TopPic'; 
        $prev_pic = append_sid("album_showpage." . $phpEx . "?pic_id=" . $pic_id . "&amp;mode=previous") . '#TopPic'; 
// Slideshow - End 

'IMG_PREV' => '<img src="templates/subSilver/icon_left_arrow3.gif" title="' . $lang['Prev_Pic'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $lang['Prev_Pic'] . '" align="absmiddle" />', 
        'IMG_NEXT' => '<img src="templates/subSilver/icon_right_arrow3.gif" title="' . $lang['Next_Pic'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $lang['Next_Pic'] . '" align="absmiddle" />', 
        'U_NEXT' => $next_pic, 
        'U_PREVIOUS' => $prev_pic, 

        'L_SLIDESHOW' => $lang['Slideshow'], 
        'L_SLIDESHOW_ONOFF' => $slideshow_onoff, 
        'U_SLIDESHOW' => $slideshow_link, 
        'U_SLIDESHOW_FULL' => $slideshow_link_full, 
        'U_SLIDESHOW_REFRESH' => '</body><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $slideshow_delay .  ';url=' . $next_pic . '"></head><body>', 

This not same thing