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Full Version: "stick thread" in quick reply constantly unchecking
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Every time I use quick reply in a sticky thread I end up un-stickying it because the checkbox is no longer checked! Personally I would like to remove this checkbox altogether and have it respect the current topic status always -- if I want to unsticky it, I can use moderation option. Any solutions?
Edit your showthread.php - which is located in your forum root

Remove this whole line (#620)
$closeoption .= "<br /><label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"modoptions[stickthread]\" value=\"1\"{$stickch} />&nbsp;<strong>".$lang->stick_thread."</strong></label>";
This seems like it is just going to remove the whole field, couldn't I do that in templates? Just want to make sure I am not gonna break anything by doing this.
No, I did it on my own forum, it works...

And actually, I tried looking in the templates at first but couldn't find it

And you can backup your showthread.php just in case if you want Smile
If there is no modoptions[stickthread], surely the thread will unstick itself?

There was a bug report for this ages ago but we could never replicate the issue to fix it.
Is there a way to hide the field and have it always set to the thread's current status?
There really isn't a foolproof method I don't think. You could replace the line Turk mentioned with this:

$closeoption .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"modoptions[stickthread]\" value=\"{$thread['sticky']}\" />";
I just realized that whenever a mod posted on a sticky thread it would unstick (now I now what brad means in his latest post above).

Well anyways, thanks Tomm, that fixed it, and it's still hidden!