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Full Version: $memprofile to get fid4
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Hey guys,
I'm trying to edit my member_profile_customfields template and am having trouble with something. For something i'm working on, I am using {$memprofile['fid4']} to get a users custom profile field 4. If I paste that somewhere into the template, it will *only* display on the users own profile, if they are browsing anyone elses, it doesn't show anything. However if I were to use {$memprofile['username']} it would display which ever users profile you were browsings username correctly. How would I properly grab someones custom profile field 4 in the profile page?

{$memprofile['fid4']} <- doesn't work?
Unfortunately not Sad. It works but for some reason I can't figure out, it only displays it in your own profile. If you're browsing someone elses profile, it appears empty.

That is because that member would not have set/entered value for that field yet. Smile
You need to use {$userfields['fid4']}

Full tutorial on how to use that -
Thanks for the help guys. Alan that worked perfectly. Cheers!