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Full Version: Some questions regarding new posts...
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Hello from Belgium Smile

yesterday I've installed with success MyBB 1.6.7 on my CNS WorldPress (, and everything just ran perfect until I bumped into those small four problems:

1) (not really a problem this one) I couldn't find any option limiting the imgae size display in a post (I'd like to limit a maximum width when displaying an image in a post). Any way to achieve this?

2) when attaching an image to post, it seems to work fine ("Add attachment" button ran with success and I see my jpg file listed in the post attachments) except that when I "attach it to the post", even if I correctly see "[attachment=1]" in the post text, displaying it I just see a small empty, almost invisible box where I should see the jpg file thumbnail. I think that the image has simply not been uploaded at all, because when I edit my post, go to the "Attachments manager" (click on "View My Attachments") and then click on the specified attachment, my browser (last version of Firefox, by the way) try to download a 20 octet text file, and don't display the the 1017.07 KB jpg file the Attachments Manager is referring to. Any idea why?

3) don't know if it's related, but when I try to upload an avatar, even if the avatars folder has "777" rights, and even if the avatar I try to upload has the accepted dimensions/file weight, I receive the "The file upload failed. Please choose a valid file and try again", without any other hint on what is happening. Any suggestion?

4) and finally, not as important, but when I try to "quick edit" a post, I jump directly to the "Error 404" page of my site. Any idea why?

Sorry for all those questions, but it seems to be the very last error for me on my myBB forum (meaning, except that, myBB forum is just perfect ^^).

Thanks in advance!


Can you provide a test account so we can test the rest?
Of course Alan (and nice to meet you), here it is Smile

Login: TestAccount
Password: 123456

Thank you for the point 1 solution, and thank you in advance for the further help ^^

By the way, while you're in the forum, could you please try to delete the post "Post to delete..." in "English forums"->"Ask your questions to AdvaJP"? With my admin account, the only message I get while trying to delete any post is "Sorry, but you did not select any threads to perform inline moderation on, or your previous moderation session has expired (Automatically after 1 hour of inactivity). Please select some threads and try again.", and that, even after having set the Administrators group as moderators for the forum I try to delete a post from (NB: I've set your TestAccount moderator of that "Ask your questions to AdvaJP" forum).

EDIT: don't know if it is linked, but when I set a user or a group as moderator for a forum in the CP, when I try to remove that moderator using button "Delete" and answering "Yes" to the question "Are you sure to [...]", I only get the message "Please select a valid moderator to delete." and the moderator is still there...
Your site is running incredibly slow at the moment, I'll take a look later.
Yes, it's held on an US server, so when it's daytime there, it's increadibly slow. Nothing I can do against that right now, I'm afraid Sad Well, thanks again in advance...

Please don't test right now: I am porting my entire website to a faster provider. I'll post again here when it's done Smile

All right, after some hours of fine tuning, the website is now running on a much faster server, thank you for your patience Smile

I have reviewed my different problems, and here is what's left (note that I'm actually running myBB v1.6.6, not the very last one yet. Waiting for your feed back before upgrading):

1) after posting, the "post OK, you'll be redirected shortly..." message appears, but no automatic redirection (has to click on "click here if you don't want to wait")

2) Still cannot remove moderators from a forum in admin CP (more details in previous post)

3) [IMPORTANT] The images attachment thumbnails are not displaying (more details in previous post)

4) if I delete my own post using the small red cross of the thread, it's deleted but I'm redirected to my homepage, and not to the forum

5) [IMPORTANT] perhaps it's related, but as an admin (thus moderator by default I suppose), I cannot delete others' posts (more details in previous post)

Would you be so kind to have a look on those points, and tell me what you think about them? Having reinstalled v1.6.6 from scratch (when I created this very thread I was running v1.6.7), it seems that the "Quick edit button", and the "Avatars upload" problems have been solved.

Thank you ---very much--- in advance! Smile
OK, found sollution for point 2. I've had to modify line 1874 of admin/modules/forums/management.php form:

$page->output_confirm_action("index.php?module=forum-management&action=deletemod&fid={$mod['fid']}&uid={$mod['uid']}", $lang->confirm_moderator_deletion);


$page->output_confirm_action("index.php?module=forum-management&action=deletemod&fid={$mod['fid']}&id={$mod['id']}&isgroup={$mod['isgroup']}&uid={$mod['uid']}", $lang->confirm_moderator_deletion);

So now here are the remaining points:

1) after posting, the "post OK, you'll be redirected shortly..." message appears, but no automatic redirection (has to click on "click here if you don't want to wait")

2) [SOLVED] Still cannot remove moderators from a forum in admin CP (more details in previous post)

3) [IMPORTANT] The images attachment thumbnails are not displaying (more details in previous post)

4) if I delete my own post using the small red cross of the thread, it's deleted but I'm redirected to my homepage, and not to the forum

5) [IMPORTANT] perhaps it's related, but as an admin (thus moderator by default I suppose), I cannot delete others' posts (more details in previous post)

For point 5, my debugs lead me to the function getids() in moderation.php. That function try to retrieve cookies ids from $mybb->cookies[$cookie] (line 2390), where $cookie='inlinemod_forum5' in my case (the forum I try to delete from is of id=5), but $mybb->cookies[$cookie] is just empty --> the getids() return en empty table --> the program believes I didn't select any thread to delete. Any idea for that particular point?

EDIT: I see that I have the specified "inlinemod_forum5" cookie on my firefox cookies list, but no easy way to see what it contains, as it's not stored as a usual txt file.

Some more info: indeed it's a cookie problem. The code tries to access the cookie names 'inlinemod_forum5", which is present in my browser, but the $_COOKIE passed to PHP (and which feeds $mybb->cookies) doesn't contain such a cookie information. Does it help anyone setting me on the solution track? Sad

Page URL:

$_COOKIE content (same as $^mybb->cookies content, at that place):
Array ( [loginattempts] => 1 [expires] => Thu, 16-May-2013 13:06:46 GMT [path] => /forum-2/ [domain] => [mybbuser] => 1_72299923111496316325158111194991248436957349521117 [HttpOnly_] => [sid] => 59e27a75f16fbe1f7b7886c00c264be5 [HttpOnly] => ) 1
Alan being obviously very busy, may I ask advices to the myBB comunity? That point 5, in particular, prevent us to put our forum online Sad

OK, never mind. During I was waiting some advices regarding my problem, I tried another kind of forum for my site, and that one is working perfectly well. In other words, thank you for your help everyone, good luck to myBB (which seems very promising), but at my side I'm afraid that "I'll marry another girl" ^^