I'm sorry for posting a new topic, I see it's been asked before and everybody's pointed to this sticky:
... but I just don't get what I'm supposed to do to solve the problem. I don't understand the sticky at all.

I hope someone can explain it to me. I thought my English was pretty good but apparently it isn't good enough XD. Especially this bit I can't understand at all: "with the changes made them in". ..? Can someone phrase that differently for me?
The sticky tells me to 'run' the Find Updated Templates section in my ACP. I'm looking at the FUT right now and I have no idea what to do to 'run' it. Two of the three templates mentioned in the sticky are not in my list, I only see the "forumdisplay_threadlist" and 3 others. So... how do I update "headerinclude" and "index_boardstats"? And where exactly do I add the specified line of code..? I am clueless when it comes to php... I'm sorry. Thanks for any help you can give me.
If you want to, post some ACP details and your site in the Private Enquiries forum and I'll take a look at it for you.
Is that really necessary..? I was hoping for an in-depth explanation of the sticky for newbs like me...
-edit- I went to the private forum and it led me back here because the private forum is not for forum support..? *confused*
It would be easier, but I'll try explain it.
To run the Find Updated Templates tool, head to ACP > Templates & Style > Templates > Find Updated Templates. When you click the link you will be shown a list of templates that are considered outdated. You can either select to revert them to the original templates (though this will remove any modifications made to the template by the theme author) or you can manually edit them.
If you post a list of the templates displayed when you click the link I'll try to guide you further.
That forum said I couldn't post there for forum support and I don't want to get in trouble right away

unless you tell me now that it's really okay, LOL.
Here's my FUT page.
-edit- I'm sorry for stretching the page, here's a link rather than an image.
Ok, when does the authorization code mismatch error actually show up? what are you doing when it occurs?
You can post in the private enquiries forum. We just prefer people to head to the support forum first for support. The private inquiries forum should be used for confidential matters between a user and the staff.
It shows up when I try to mark a forum as read. I haven't been able to find this in my permissions. I haven't asked my members if they have the same problem but I can only imagine they're getting the same error if I'm getting it as an admin.
You'll need to modify the forumdisplay_threadlist template then I think. Could you post it's contents below?
Sure. I hope I'm doing this right
<div class="float_left">
<div class="float_right">
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder" style="clear: both; margin-top:5px;">
<td class="thead" colspan="{$colspan}">
<div style="float: right;">
<span class="smalltext"><strong><a href="misc.php?action=markread&fid={$fid}">{$lang->markforum_read}</a> | <a href="usercp2.php?action={$add_remove_subscription}subscription&type=forum&fid={$fid}&my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}">{$add_remove_subscription_text}</a>{$clearstoredpass}</strong></span>
<td class="tcat" colspan="3" width="66%"><span class="smalltext"><strong><a href="{$sorturl}&sortby=subject&order=asc">{$lang->thread}</a> {$orderarrow['subject']} / <a href="{$sorturl}&sortby=starter&order=asc">{$lang->author}</a> {$orderarrow['starter']}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tcat" align="center" width="7%"><span class="smalltext"><strong><a href="{$sorturl}&sortby=replies&order=desc">{$lang->replies}</a> {$orderarrow['replies']}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tcat" align="center" width="7%"><span class="smalltext"><strong><a href="{$sorturl}&sortby=views&order=desc">{$lang->views}</a> {$orderarrow['views']}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tcat" align="right" width="20%"><span class="smalltext"><strong><a href="{$sorturl}&sortby=lastpost&order=desc">{$lang->lastpost}</a> {$orderarrow['lastpost']}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tfoot" align="right" colspan="{$colspan}">
<form action="forumdisplay.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="selectall" value="{$allselected}" />
<input type="hidden" name="fid" value="{$fid}" />
<select name="sortby">
<option value="subject" {$sortsel['subject']}>{$lang->sort_by_subject}</option>
<option value="lastpost" {$sortsel['lastpost']}>{$lang->sort_by_lastpost}</option>
<option value="starter" {$sortsel['starter']}>{$lang->sort_by_starter}</option>
<option value="started" {$sortsel['started']}>{$lang->sort_by_started}</option>
<option value="replies" {$sortsel['replies']}>{$lang->sort_by_replies}</option>
<option value="views" {$sortsel['views']}>{$lang->sort_by_views}</option>
<select name="order">
<option value="asc" {$ordersel['asc']}>{$lang->sort_order_asc}</option>
<option value="desc" {$ordersel['desc']}>{$lang->sort_order_desc}</option>
<select name="datecut">
<option value="1" {$datecutsel['1']}>{$lang->datelimit_1day}</option>
<option value="5" {$datecutsel['5']}>{$lang->datelimit_5days}</option>
<option value="10" {$datecutsel['10']}>{$lang->datelimit_10days}</option>
<option value="20" {$datecutsel['20']}>{$lang->datelimit_20days}</option>
<option value="50" {$datecutsel['50']}>{$lang->datelimit_50days}</option>
<option value="75" {$datecutsel['75']}>{$lang->datelimit_75days}</option>
<option value="100" {$datecutsel['100']}>{$lang->datelimit_100days}</option>
<option value="365" {$datecutsel['365']}>{$lang->datelimit_lastyear}</option>
<option value="9999" {$datecutsel['9999']}>{$lang->datelimit_beginning}</option>
<div class="float_left">
<div class="float_right" style="margin-top: 4px;">
<br style="clear: both;" />
<br />
<div class="float_left">
<div class="float_left">
<dl class="thread_legend smalltext">
<dd><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/newfolder.gif" alt="{$lang->new_thread}" title="{$lang->new_thread}" /> {$lang->new_thread}</dd>
<dd><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/newhotfolder.gif" alt="{$lang->new_hot_thread}" title="{$lang->new_hot_thread}" /> {$lang->new_hot_thread}</dd>
<dd><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/hotfolder.gif" alt="{$lang->hot_thread}" title="{$lang->hot_thread}" /> {$lang->hot_thread}</dd>
<div class="float_left">
<dl class="thread_legend smalltext">
<dd><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/folder.gif" alt="{$lang->no_new_thread}" title="{$lang->no_new_thread}" /> {$lang->no_new_thread}</dd>
<dd><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/dot_folder.gif" alt="{$lang->posts_by_you}" title="{$lang->posts_by_you}" /> {$lang->posts_by_you}</dd>
<dd><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/lockfolder.gif" alt="{$lang->locked_thread}" title="{$lang->locked_thread}" /> {$lang->locked_thread}</dd>
<br style="clear: both" />
<div class="float_right" style="text-align: right;">
<br style="clear: both" />
-edit- I also posted my data in the Private Inquiries forum.
Ok, I've fixed it for you. For reference, I edited the forumdisplay_threadlist template. TO fix it, I looked for this:
<a href="misc.php?action=markread&fid={$fid}">{$lang->markforum_read}</a>
and replaced it with this:
<a href="misc.php?action=markread&fid={$fid}&my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}">{$lang->markforum_read}</a>