If I click on a link from the index (pretty sure its latest post links only) it takes me to a different thread. Can't really say much just try yourself
AdminCP > Templates > Your theme's templates > Forumbit Templates > please paste the entire code of "forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost" template here.
(2012-05-15, 04:56 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]AdminCP > Templates > Your theme's templates > Forumbit Templates > please paste the entire code of "forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost" template here.
<span class="smalltext">
<a href="{$lastpost_link}" title="{$full_lastpost_subject}"><strong>{$lastpost_subject}</strong></a>
<br />{$lastpost_date} {$lastpost_time}<br />{$lang->by} {$lastpost_profilelink}</span>
Its fine. Have you changed the name of htaccess.txt to .htaccess ??
(2012-05-15, 06:32 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]Its fine. Have you changed the name of htaccess.txt to .htaccess ??
yes <- its the google seo .htaccess though however seo urls are disabled (same problem when enabled)