As Title Says..
What does actually "visible" field means in " tbl
_posts " table of mybb database..
And What Value will it contain ?
'0' or '1' or something else too ?
It means is status of the post (visible, unapproved, draft). And value is 0.
If it has 1 then it means that post is approved. And the vice versa.
And what if value is other than '1' or '0', like -1, -2, -3, -4 or 2,3,4 etc.,
I don't believe the values can be negative. But if it's 2-4, it's most likely unapproved, deleted, etc.
It'll depend if the code checks for the value to be 1 or 0... but theres no reason to have it set to anything else. You'll get unpredictable results if it is.
(2012-05-20, 10:35 AM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]It'll depend if the code checks for the value to be 1 or 0... but theres no reason to have it set to anything else. You'll get unpredictable results if it is.
"-2" means draft though