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Full Version: Get all threads I h'ave participated in
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I'm new in MyBB, and i'm looking for a mod to add a link in Welcome Box.

I want this link to make a direct search to find all the threads the user have participated.

I would be similar to make a search with the username and display result with "threads". But i can't found out how to do this with an html link on index page...

i can resume this to be an egosearch with display as threads, just with a single html link...
Make thread subscription the default for all users and use the Subscriptions page. This is what it is for.
wont this work?


or something like that atleast.
obviously php will need to be allowed in templates.
(2012-05-20, 08:17 PM)brad-t Wrote: [ -> ]Make thread subscription the default for all users and use the Subscriptions page. This is what it is for.

subscriptions are so dumb.. we need notifications Smile
There is a neat plugin on mybbhacks that adds a link in the header to all subscribed threads with new posts. If you combined that with brad's suggestion you would be close to what you want.
(2012-05-21, 08:28 PM)zero_X Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012-05-20, 08:17 PM)brad-t Wrote: [ -> ]Make thread subscription the default for all users and use the Subscriptions page. This is what it is for.

subscriptions are so dumb.. we need notifications Smile

Tomm M will release notifications for subscriptions later this year. We all know where everyone stands on this.
(2012-05-20, 08:17 PM)brad-t Wrote: [ -> ]Make thread subscription the default for all users and use the Subscriptions page. This is what it is for.

Nasty, nasty, nasty. Sad Automatic threads subscriptions are nearly always an express ticket to my permanent leave from a forum. It's just completely unfair. Most users don't want an unexpected bombardment of e-mails from a forum they've contributed to.

I'd highly advise against this. It just seems desperate on the admin's part. Anyway, I installed a plugin sometime ago which counted the number of threads a user has made in their profile, and also had a link to a full thread search listing. If this sounds like what you'd want, I'll find out which plugin this is.
There's a subscribe without e-mail function. That is what I meant. I've written about how awful it is to set e-mail subscriptions to automatic before Wink