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Full Version: Split the Support Team into Mods and Actual Support?
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As said above, it all depends on how busy we are. There are some days when I have very little free time due to University, work and my normal day to day activities. I therefore maybe only spend an hour at the maximum on the site. About half of this time is used responding to PMs and providing support for one of my plugins or w/e. I use the other half providing support in the threads where I know I can help (I'm not going to waste 10 minutes trying to decipher an OP written in such a way that I have no idea what the issue is after all).

On other days, I can spend from 3 hours upwards on the site providing support in any topics I see marked as unsolved. It all depends on time.

I really don't think a new user group would help solve this issue at all. We handle all the moderation needed pretty effectively right now I reckon so we don't particularly need dedicated moderators.
(2012-05-23, 01:20 PM)Alex Smith Wrote: [ -> ]Junior support group? I don't remember this. The only thing close to it that I can think of was mentors.

Yes. And there was a Junior dev. group as well. And again if I recall correctly then dvb was in that group.
dvb wasn't a part of the junior developer group, although it did once exist (a long time ago; years?).
(2012-05-23, 01:30 PM)Tomm M Wrote: [ -> ]although it did once exist (a long time ago; years?).

Probably, I remembered this because that was the time when I had joined the community =P
I do remember the junior dev group Wink. But, we're getting off topic and well getting no where Toungue.
(2012-05-23, 01:30 PM)Tomm M Wrote: [ -> ]dvb wasn't a part of the junior developer group, although it did once exist (a long time ago; years?).

It was within the last two years for sure, if not the last year. I remember RPicard was a junior developer, along with some others that I'd never heard of.
(2012-05-23, 11:35 AM)Nathan Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]People are free to apply, if they want to dedicated their time towards the project then that's fine. Smile

You make it seem like an application = automatically on the team. Well I have applied for the support team a while back. Am I not good enough? Or don't I code enough plugins? The reason I wanted in was to answer questions in support and mark them solved, too many members don't do that. Most support questions are quite easy too.
(2012-05-23, 04:50 PM)Solidus Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012-05-23, 11:35 AM)Nathan Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]People are free to apply, if they want to dedicated their time towards the project then that's fine. Smile

You make it seem like an application = automatically on the team. Well I have applied for the support team a while back. Am I not good enough? Or don't I code enough plugins? The reason I wanted in was to answer questions in support and mark them solved, too many members don't do that. Most support questions are quite easy too.

From what Omar was saying, it seemed he thought that we only consider letting people join the team when there aren't enough people on the team so splitting up the support group would leave room for new team members. Maybe my wording was bad or maybe I interpretted his post different than to what he was trying to say, but that's not the case.There are a lot of factors that contribute to who we do and don't accept.
Aren't moderators actually supporters and supporters actually moderators at the same time? At least that is how I would do it.
(2012-05-23, 05:14 PM)mattias Wrote: [ -> ]Aren't moderators actually supporters and supporters actually moderators at the same time? At least that is how I would do it.

All staff here have moderation powers, including support staff. It's just that their main role is to support members with issues regarding their MyBB installation.
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