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Full Version: 100% Private forum!
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I want my forum to be 100% Private, only for invites.

However, my question is...

I want the index.php , to be totally locked out, like they can't view anything, but just a simple login box,

Somthing like this:

-- Just, you remove ''Forgott Password'' + ''Registrer'' .. They can only login, and that box have to show evrywhere on the forum, aslong as they aint loged in..

How is that possible?
Why not just remove guest permission on all the forums?
Remove all guest permissions for the forum. Possibly make the folder password protected?
To make a private forum, go to Admin CP > Users & Groups > Groups > Guests under the tab Forums and Posts, uncheck "Can view board?".

For an invite only forum you have options, go to Admin CP > Configuration > User Registration and Profile Options and change the "Registration Method" to Administrator Activation, meaning you'll need to approve accounts before they can register. Or disable registrations altogether and you can manually create new accounts if someone is invited to join your forum.
Lol, i know that. But i want a login on index as that Preview. Like they can't see anything, only login form, then they have to login to view the rest?