MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Make post only visible for admin and user invidual
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We are making a report section, and we want users to be able to submit in anonymity.

Basically, the only thing the user will see in that forum are threads created by them. I know how to disable moderators/super moderators from seeing them, but I don't know how to make the user part, so the user can only view his own threads.

- Thanks,
Admincp -> Forum Management -> Forum you want users to only see there own thread -> permissions -> registered -> edit permissions -> Can only view own threads? -> Check.
People are confused with the options of permissions for "Private forums" in MyBB 1.6 . This small guide will walk through the easy steps to setup these permissions.

For example, if you want to make a forum as private and restrict "Registered" user group to see only there own threads within that specific forum, then Go to : ACP > Forums and Management > Select Forum > Edit > Permissions > and "Check" and "Un-check" the options below;

Permissions: for Registered User Group
Can view forum? [Checked]
Can view threads within forum? [Checked]
Can only view own threads? [Checked]
Can download attachments? [Checked]

Permissions: for Admin's and Mods
Can view forum? [Checked]
Can view threads within forum? [Checked]
Can only view own threads? [Un-Checked]
Can download attachments? [Checked]

+ Here Admins and Mods are those User Group who can see every one's thread / posts.
+ Here Registered are those User Group who can only there own created threads / posts.
(2012-06-07, 02:42 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]People are confused with the options of permissions for "Private forums" in MyBB 1.6 . This small guide will walk through the easy steps to setup these permissions.

For example, if you want to make a forum as private and restrict "Registered" user group to see only there own threads within that specific forum, then Go to : ACP > Forums and Management > Select Forum > Edit > Permissions > and "Check" and "Un-check" the options below;

Permissions: for Registered User Group
Can view forum? [Checked]
Can view threads within forum? [Checked]
Can only view own threads? [Checked]
Can download attachments? [Checked]

Permissions: for Admin's and Mods
Can view forum? [Checked]
Can view threads within forum? [Checked]
Can only view own threads? [Un-Checked]
Can download attachments? [Checked]

+ Here Admins and Mods are those User Group who can see every one's thread / posts.
+ Here Registered are those User Group who can only there own created threads / posts.

Great Yaldaram, but there is just one problem.
I can still see the thread title in the side of the index.

Today 05:43 AM
by Tester
Because you're admin/mod. Try to logout and login with another "normal registered user".
(2012-06-08, 04:27 AM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]Because you're admin/mod. Try to logout and login with another "normal registered user".

Actually, the problem was something else. I had this as a subsection and that was what causing the problems.

Either way, you rock Yaldaram. Thank you for your activity and quick answers, you make this a better place.

- Freezing