![[Image: forkme_right_white_ffffff.png]](https://camo.mybb.com/c6d3776a501941ef45e13cf0444ae4b0c575e865/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f6769746875622f726962626f6e732f666f726b6d655f72696768745f77686974655f6666666666662e706e67)
With this plugin you will be able to choose what threads can be shown in portal.
Users must be a forum moderator to be able to pass the permission. A extra group is available to allow only specific user groups but this check is applied after the moderator one.
The plugin will also short the threads and will add a "Read more" WP like link. O option to turn this off is available too. You need to insert
[!--more--] into the message to cut it off (no setting for this, but advance users can change the defined string in plugin file).
Please note that this plugin will only work in the MyBB default portal. A modification may be needed for any other file.
Features:- Turn On/Off option.
- Groups that can use.
- Deactivate "Read more.." feature.
- Available when creating / editing threads.
- No extra queries (Thanks Zinga Burga / Yumi for control_object function).
- In-line moderation support for multiple threads at once.
Until released to the MyBB Mods site, this is considered a beta version.
Edited: You can see a demo
here. Nut you will not be able to test it to its fullness.
Looks great Omar - will it require XThreads?
No, it doesn't. Since xThreads is under GPL v3 (was it that?) I just used the function and applied the same license to the whole plugin.
AFAIK that is how it works (already did it for my Newpoints plugins).
Just noticed a bug with the read more MyCode (it doesn't do what it is suppose to sometimes..).
Thanks for your comment Leefish.
EDIT: Updated, fixed a bug when cutting message content.
ProPortal edit.
In block_annoucments.php search (two instances):
AND t.closed
Change for:
AND t.showinportal=1 AND t.closed
In this plugin seach:
$plugins->add_hook('portal_announcement', ...
Change for:
$plugins->add_hook('pro_portal_announcement', ...
I didn't tested but should work.
Got a problem on my site it wont show the text for the acp settings
language file is in /inc/english/admin and it works on my localhost
Nvm fixed it by uninstalling and reinstalling - not sure what caused it though.
This happens when you install X plugin but the language files are not correctly located. Reinstalling plugins is the only way to fix this problem (or editing settings one by one, or writing a script that does it).
Hi, I have "two portal" pages.
In first portal page (portal.php) go only 1,2,3 ID forum, instead in second portal page (contests.php) go only 4,5,6 ID forum.
How can I add this option "Portal Thread: show this thread in the front portal." also in new threads for second portal page?
Quote:How can I add this option "Portal Thread: show this thread in the front portal." also in new threads for second portal page?
Since that is a custom code modification you will need tofigure out how to do it propertly. How did you make it so that each portal file used different forums?
Hi, I have used this:
and I don't know how can I add "hook" only for second page portal
I can't add new portal_annoucements only for second page portal, but I can see old announcements, then forum ID are correct.
Thank you in advance
That modification already allows you to work with this plugin, portal1 will show threads marked as "Show In Portal" from forums which FIDs are X,Y,Z whereas portal2 will show the same but from forums A,B,C.
Doy you want this plugin to NOT work at all in portal1 but portal2 (or vice versa)?