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Full Version: Modify announcement template?
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I need to modify the template that sends forum announcements to users to include a can-spam notice and instructions for unsubscribing from forum announcements. What template do I modify?
just add a global announcement without an expiration date. no template edits needed
Every message according to the can-spam act requires contact information and instructions on how to unsubscribe.

Maybe I misunderstood your reply.
you are not talking about announcements them, but notifications. All default notifications in the MyBB software include unsubscribe information.

If you still want to edit them, you need to check the messages language file.
I'm talking about sending a mass mail. Is that a notification or an announcement?
mass mail is just that, mass mail. it is processed differently than a PM or thread subscription notification.

there is no way to, by default, add can-spam notices. you will need to add that line when you create the mass mail. plus the mass mail should only send to those users that have "Received emails from Administrators" in their UserCP, thus they have accepted your emails. there is no language file to modify either.
Unfortunately, we experienced the bug in mass mail where the message got stuck in send mode so part of the list received it six times before we cancelled it. The message still shows queued in the system.

Our hosting company is requiring that we modify the send template to hard-code the message into it since they received spam complaints.
they cant make you hard code it, but they can make sure you are sending can-spam compliant email.

but if you want, you can edit <forum_root>/inc/tasks/massmail.php

			// Normal Email

and add after:
			// add can-spam
			$canspam = '\r\n \r\n You are receiving this email as you have selected to receive emails from <SITENAME>. If you wish to no longer receive any emails from <SITENAME>, please visit <URLTOFORUM>/usercp.php?action=options and uncheck "Receive emails from the Administrators".';

			$mass_email['message'] .= $canspam;
			$mass_email['htmlmessage'] .= $canspam;

just edit <SITENAME> and <URLTOFORUM>
Thanks! This will work.
just run a test on it first by sending a mass email to admins only. this will verify the formatting of the can spam message. I think it is right, but the \r\n bits always get me