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Full Version: Lost User & Groups - Solved - lost file
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[Image: Kx5AEj.png]

Lol. What happened?
Try taking a back of the database and ten reinstalling MyBB.
If the tab is still not there, then download a fresh copy of MyBB and then try
Someone messed with your admin permissions.
(2012-06-14, 05:04 PM)Aniruddh Wrote: [ -> ]Try taking a back of the database and ten reinstalling MyBB.
If the tab is still not there, then download a fresh copy of MyBB and then try
I just done a backup but it didn't work. I also tried upgrading and it did nothing.

(2012-06-14, 05:25 PM)iTzz_MaDnEsS Wrote: [ -> ]Someone messed with your admin permissions.

I'm the only one with admin permissions.
Then make yourself a super admin? Not sure :#
(2012-06-14, 11:12 PM)iTzz_MaDnEsS Wrote: [ -> ]Then make yourself a super admin? Not sure :#

I am a super admin. I OWN THE FORUM lol. I installed everything and my UID is #1.
make sure there are files in the <admin>/modules/user folder
(2012-06-14, 11:39 PM)pavemen Wrote: [ -> ]make sure there are files in the <admin>/modules/user folder

go to phpmyadmin and do

select permissions from mybb_adminoptions where uid=1

and post that up here. that will let us know what permissions your account has. if you prefer, PM it to me and I can look at it.

it will look like "'a:5:{s:6:"config";a:17:{s:3:"tab";s:1:"1";s:8:"set......"

well he was missing a file.

if you read this Trickshot, you should go over your file system and see if you recognize the files. Maybe install and run my Advanced File Verification after running the default file verification. This will show you non standard MyBB files and let you define them as "good". Future tests will be run against this list.

That file we replaced will trigger a "Changed" result since it is the wrong version, but you can ignore that one.