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Full Version: Please select your sex from the list below
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How would I go about adding a blank option for "Please select your sex from the list below". Did search prior to posting, either was nothing or missed it.

I have mine as:
N/A - would rather have this as blank option

These don't work.
<br /> &nbsp; %20

Thank you
I'm not quite sure where you are looking, is this a registration question?

If it is, go to your Admin CP >> Configuration >> Custom Profile Fields

and i think Gender question is already there, if it is edit it to how you want. If it isn't, create it how you want.
Not asking how to add, of course its there already.

Asking how to add a blank option from the current selection.
Put this:

& #032;

Remove the space between & and #.

However, keep in mind this means user will be able to select "blank" as their gender.
Blank option for people not wanting to select male or female.

That worked, could have sworn I tried that, guess not since it works.

Thank you brad-t.
Why not just use "undisclosed" then? I think most users will think they shouldn't select a blank option.
Other fields are blank when not added content. Just want to match if no one wants to add gender.
