All of a sudden, my members signatures aren't there! There's no error message... they're just gone. I've gone into phpmyadmin to look at the usergroup table - all the signature stuff is gone! I didn't delete it, but I'm also not sure how it happened. Can I just add the columns that are missing and the appropriate values? What do I need to do?
Oh, they're also unable to edit or even input new signatures - the option completely disappeared from the UserCP!
Have you recently changed themes and then this starting happening?
Have you checked that signatures haven't been disabled?
Admin CP --> Users & Groups --> Groups --> *select which user group to edit* --> Users & Permissions --> Can add a signature?
I'm not sure why they would have all been removed from the database though. Does anyone else have access to the admin panel or database?
Known - No. All the themes on the site were there before this happened.
Ryan - I've checked the signature disabled issue. When I go and try to make sure that people can add a signature, I get an error message that points me to the missing columns in the database. No one else has access to the admin panel or database, so I'm not really sure what happened. Is it possible to simply replace the missing columns and data? If so, what needs to be there?
Oh, you get an error message? Would have been good to know that.
Please paste any and all error messages you get in this thread and that should help figure out the problem and fix it.
Sorry about that. Here's the error message, it comes up when I go into the AdminCP and try to enable signatures for a group.
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'showinbirthdaylist' in 'field list'
UPDATE mybb_usergroups SET type
='1', title
='Administrators', description
='The group all administrators belong to.', namestyle
='{username}', usertitle
='Administrator', stars
='0', starimage
='images/star.gif', image
='images/ranking/admin.jpg', isbannedgroup
='0', canview
='1', canviewthreads
='1', canviewprofiles
='1', candlattachments
='1', canpostthreads
='1', canpostreplys
='1', canpostattachments
='1', canratethreads
='1', caneditposts
='1', candeleteposts
='1', candeletethreads
='1', caneditattachments
='1', canpostpolls
='1', canvotepolls
='1', canundovotes
='0', canusepms
='1', cansendpms
='1', cantrackpms
='1', candenypmreceipts
='1', pmquota
='0', maxpmrecipients
='0', cansendemail
='1', cansendemailoverride
='0', maxemails
='0', canviewmemberlist
='1', canviewcalendar
='1', canaddevents
='1', canbypasseventmod
='1', canmoderateevents
='1', canviewonline
='1', canviewwolinvis
='1', canviewonlineips
='1', cancp
='1', issupermod
='1', cansearch
='1', canusercp
='1', canuploadavatars
='1', canchangename
='1', showforumteam
='1', usereputationsystem
='1', cangivereputations
='1', reputationpower
='2', maxreputationsday
='0', maxreputationsperuser
='0', maxreputationsperthread
='0', attachquota
='0', cancustomtitle
='1', canwarnusers
='1', canreceivewarnings
='1', maxwarningsday
='0', canmodcp
='1', showinbirthdaylist
='0', canoverridepm
='0', canusesig
='1', canusesigxposts
='0', signofollow
='0' WHERE gid='4'
Like I said, though... the columns for "canusesig', 'canusesigxposts' and 'signofollow' aren't present in phpMyAdmin
Sounds to me like you didn't run the upgrade script when you updated your forums.
Regarding the signature issue, I assume you haven't recently installed any plugins affecting signatures?
euantor - No, I haven't installed any plugins dealing with signatures. I haven't installed any plugins since quite some time before the last update.
Ryan - Can I re-run the upgrade?
You should be able to re-run the upgrade just fine. Which version were you on previously? Just go to /install/upgrade.php and select 1.6.6 as the version to upgrade from (I believe 1.6.6 -> 1.6.7 was the troublesome upgrade from what I remember). That may even help with the signature issue so try that first.