MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: "Can view who's online?" option in Admin CP should do more
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If I select a user group in the forum and set the following setting to "No":

Admin Panel > Edit User Group > Miscellaneous > Who's Online:
Can view who's online?

I would expect that usergroup is now unable to see who's online... but actually, they can do that in several ways, by looking at some "hints":

1) By looking at the online status icon in the postbit (the gray/offline and green/online little guy icon)
2) By looking the online status text in profile pages (the one that says "Status: Online (Reading Thread Awesome @ 10:15 AM)"
3) By looking the "last visit" in profile pages.

Currently, this setting hides the "who's online" list from index and deny access to the "who's online" page, but I suggest that it also should hide the 3 items previously mentioned.

Anyone can try this on their forums. For example, I don't see how using this setting would stop your forum guests from seeing who's online by looking at the "hints". All they have to do is open a thread and look at the online status icon in the postbit. The only ones they can't see online is the people who have activated the "Hide me from who's online list" in their user CP, but that is a separated and user-defined setting for himself. The setting I'm talking about in here, is an admin-defined setting for a user group. In my opinion, if I set to "No" a setting called "Can view who's online?", I'm meaning that the people in that usergroup can't view who's online, and that means everyone, not only the people who has chosen a "hide me" option in their user CP.

I reported this as a bug here, but it seems that the current system is by design, so I am suggesting it here.

Thank you.
1 and 2 are controlled via the invisible setting, which is a user option not an administrator option.

3 is covered in your other thread.

'Can view who's online' literally does mean whether or not they can view the who's online sections.