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Full Version: Avatar dimension help
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I have switched all the needed settings to get my avatar size to change but still it says" The maximum dimensions for avatars are: 100x100 pixels.
The maximum file size for avatars is 10 KB."
so whats ur problem ?
(2012-06-21, 03:13 AM)Mybb India Wrote: [ -> ]so whats ur problem ?
he wants to know how to allow bigger images.


change the avatar dimension that's allowed, and the size by going to

ACP >> Configuration >> General Configuration >> Find Maximum Avatar Dimensions change it to ur liking for example 120x150 then find Max Uploaded Avatar Size and change it to like 50k or something
If you click on the general configuration link in the ACP it will bring up a search box. Search Avatar and you will find all of the avatar settings. Hope this helps!