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Full Version: HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error):
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If i want to bring me out from the board this message Or transferred to some sections of the Forum .

Server error‬.
Web site has encountered an error during recovery
. It may have been stopped for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
  HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error):

Note that the problem of log off and login and add remaining this problem als(Link to a thread previously
Waiting for expert assistance
Thank you
Are you there for this problem or not?
Could you post the contents of your server error log please? And error 500 is an internal error but doesn't tell us much about what's going on.
Prefer Mr. euantor

Here, there is more than an error
Do you want to see all the errors On this page؟
I mean the error logs, not the error status codes. There should be some kind of log of all the errors somewhere.
Was clean and there was no errors
Today has been modified on a file Hecss
But did not work
Download the original file has been (reserve)
note : Problems are the entry and exit
And register
I was able to solve the problem
It is important:Is that the interested directors mybb more attention to the topics And problems of the owners of Forums
So this issue is now resolved? if so, please mark the thread as solved.

I'm afraid I don't quite get the second part of your post at all though...
(2012-06-26, 05:26 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]So this issue is now resolved? if so, please mark the thread as solved.

I'm afraid I don't quite get the second part of your post at all though...

Yes dear euantor, and after many attempts
Arrived at the result and are started deleting the folder plugins, language
And again brought up from a folder

Here will be to solve the problem but not for 100%
But better to wait few days and waste our time in front of a computer Confused
The problem is a major entry and exit registration and registration will be resolved once and for all

Important point in this plan is that the MOD will be deleted also
And the remaining experts mybb is the identification of harmful file within
these folders
My respect