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Full Version: variable for new registered user
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I have been searching for this but not succeded.
Can u help with above question.
It means I want the variable for last registered user without the profile link.
I used {$newestmember} but that shows the profile link as well.
I can't use php based variables coz I am making a theme for a client.

Thanks in advance.

Envira Phani
(2012-06-26, 07:02 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]

Nah bro that isn't working,sorry.
I just want last registered user variable without the profile link Smile
Anyways thanks for reply SmileSmile
$newestmember = build_profile_link($stats['lastusername'], $stats['lastuid']);

That's how the $newestmember variable is built. $stats['lastusername'] is the plain text username, which is what you want. I tried it myself and it works. What template are you adding it to?
Thanks bro for the reply.
I am trying to add it in stats template in index templates.
Well I will give a try again.
Last time it showed parse syntax error.
This time I wish it goes good SmileSmile
I tried it in the index_stats template and it works fine too. Did you enclose the variable within curly braces like so?

Well thanks guys that really worked,I just forgot to add { before stats.
{$stats['lastusername']. This code actually worked.
Thanks a million SmileSmileSmile
You need to add a } after it too, like I did in my previous post.
Oops yeah.
I am typing from mobile and missed it WinkWinkBig Grin
Thanks Faviouz.