Where it say Chomp Zone, where it's grey under the new posts and memeber list. How can I get rid of that and make that advertising?
Go to your template edit in Admin CP. it's probably in your header templates.. find it.. You can use firefox's firebug to right click and inspect your site to see the html and css of elements in your site. when I use it:
<span class="active">Chomp Zone</span>
somewhere in your templates you have a span class with your forum name.
When you find it, cut it, save and continue to edit, in another browser or tab refresh your main site... if you see it was removed then you've successfully found it.. if not, paste back what you cut out properly and save and continue edit.. repreat until you find it.. I do it this way sometimes..
then simply sign up for an advertising network or Google AdSense and past the code snippet they give you in that spot.