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Full Version: How to Add a Prefix for users?
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Hey all Smile I host a forum and we have a lot of staff but I will like to ask of we can add a Prefixed to our STAFF,

For example,
My forum name is Avalon Gaming
So let's say I'm a staff and my name is CruelDot

But I want others to know I'm staff ,

Add [aG] infront of my name , now it will look

If this is AVAILABLE to do, please tell me HOW step by step! Thanks so much!!

Edit that group settings, in the username format (first tab) insert whatever you want before the {username}.
(2012-06-27, 03:28 AM)Omar G. Wrote: [ -> ]Edit that group settings, in the username format (first tab) insert whatever you want before the {username}.

Woho Smile

Thanks so much for.your help!!


Thanks again!

Very impressed.. A free forum with great support!