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Full Version: HOw to make my Super Mods/Mods not see everyones IP
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How can I do this so only I can see [admin] IPs and nobody else in "Mod CP?"
(2012-06-30, 04:00 AM)alexsubri Wrote: [ -> ]How can I do this so only I can see [admin] IPs and nobody else in "Mod CP?"
Users & Groups--->Groups--->Edit Group--->Miscellaneous
Un-tick option: Can view IP addresses on who's online?
Install "PHP in Templates" plugin:

AdminCP > Templates > Your theme's templates > Moderator Control Panel Templates > modcp_modlogs_result > find the following;
and wrap it like this;
<if $mybb->user['usergroup'] == "4" then>{$logitem['ipaddress']}</if>

Only you'll be able to view IPs in ModCP.