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Full Version: Quotes vanishing from CSS file
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I've added a custom style sheet called iconic_fill.css. Here is the contents of the file when viewed in the admin cp:

@font-face { font-family: 'IconicFill'; src: url('/fonts/iconic_fill.eot'); src: local('IconicFill'), url('/fonts/iconic_fill.svg#iconic') format('svg'), url('/fonts/iconic_fill.otf') format('opentype'); }

However, when you check the file when loaded on the site, it is:

@font-face { font-family: 'IconicFill'; src: url(/fonts/iconic_fill.eot'); src: local('IconicFill'), url('/fonts/iconic_fill.svg#iconic') format('svg'), url('/fonts/iconic_fill.otf') format('opentype); }

Notice that /fonts/iconic_fill.eot is missing the opening quote. Why is MyBB stripping the quotes out?
I have a feeling it has something to do with /admin/modules/style/themes.php line 1358

$update_array['cachefile'] = $db->escape_string(str_replace('/', '', $mybb->input['name']));

but I'm not sure why.... anyone else have an idea?
MyBB remove quotes from inside the url() value. I think the reason is to make relative paths to work when the css file is cached in the cache directory.