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Full Version: Language Pack Edits Not Showing Up
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I'm trying to add to forum display sort by prefix and have done so successfully but have come across a problem with editing the language pack.

I added
$l['prefix'] = "Prefix";
$l['sort_by_prefix'] = "Sort by: Prefix";
to forumdisplay.lang.php

I added to my forumdisplay_threadlist template:
/ <a href="{$sorturl}&amp;sortby=prefix&amp;order=asc">{$lang->prefix}</a> {$orderarrow['lastpost']}
<option value="views" {$sortsel['prefix']}>{$lang->sort_by_prefix}</option>

so everything should work but language calls are not working:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=26730]
and my changes to forumdisplay.lang.php are not showing up in admin cp>config>languages>english>forumdisplay

Anyone know why? thanks

this is the only forum thread I found on editing language:
is it's seriously outdated and information is not professional.. simply stating not to add $ variables is not a good explanation and there has to be a way because there's fresh language pack addons for many plugins.
Well... any advice on this??

How do I add new language variable of my own?
Issue not solved.