Is it possible to import users; from a csv or anything like that?
I looked at the merge system but it doesn't seem to be what this is for, but maybe I'm missing something.
Any help would be appreciated.
Export users table (separately) and import it?
So it seems feasible? Can you elaborate on this part?
(2012-07-13, 07:26 PM)crazy4cs Wrote: [ -> ]and import it?
How would I go about importing?
Oh, wait, you mean just using my mysql db interface?? That makes too much sense!
Yes. Login to your phpmyadmin, select your database and click on the table you want to export, for example mybb_users. After that click export and select mybb_users table and export it. And then import it similarly in the database you want.
(2012-07-13, 07:42 PM)crazy4cs Wrote: [ -> ]Yes. Login to your phpmyadmin, select your database and click on the table you want to export, for example mybb_users. After that click export and select mybb_users table and export it. And then import it similarly in the database you want.
Actually, it's the other way around; I want to import users
into mybb. But I get what you mean and I know how to do that. I was totally over-complicating things
Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
Ok, I looked at the db and I think I know what fields are required to sign a user up, but I'm unsure of how to achieve some of the values; such as the salt, loginkey, password, etc.
Is there a good reference to find this info?
What are you wanting to achieve basically?
I really just need to import users into the db. But I'm not sure how the salt is determined, what encryption they use (md5, sha1, etc), and how the loginkey field is created. I want to be able to add users correctly.
Thanks for helping.