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Full Version: $post doesn't get parsed to function unless global
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I am trying to fix and add to a plugin that looks for specific text in a post and then triggers a few actions, one of those is to replace the text.

I have found that if I use
$plugins->add_hook("postbit", "tagging_show_post");

function tagging_show_post($post)
	$post['message'] = tagging_get_tag_text($post['message'], $post['tags']);
	return $post;

Then $post is blank. If I change it to

function tagging_show_post($post)
        global $post;
	$post['message'] = tagging_get_tag_text($post['message'], $post['tags']);
	return $post;

Then the post is parsed correctly, however none of the standard BBcodes or any of the other $post parsing is correctly parsed and the forums don't display the edit time or anything.

I cant see why this would happen or why $post isn't being parsed. Does anyone have any ideas?

function tagging_show_post($post)

Should be:

function tagging_show_post&(&$post)

You need to pas $post by reference. Probably not the real issue seeing the rest of your code.
I tried passing by reference earlier
function tagging_show_post&(&$post)

is incorrect however and should be
function tagging_show_post(&$post)

The results are still the same unfortunately

The issue is that $post is blank, so even parsing it by reference is not going to work, however I can not for the life of me understand why it would be blank when passed into the function but available when declared as global within the function
Sorry about my error, yes it should be as you rewrote it.

I see no reason for this to fail. Can you post your tagging_get_tag_text(); function?
What I am trying to do is fix the "Tag User" plugin For some reason in my system, whilst it sends the PM on display of the actual post it does not alter the tag of @[username] and just leaves it as is.

Through troubleshooting I have found that the $post variable in this bit is blank, trying to echo out $post["message"] returns as blank unless I globalize it.

Here is the original plugin

Once I have fixed this part I need to add some additional function but really need this fixed first

here is the full plugin code that I am trying to alter


function tagging_info()
	return array(
		"name"			=> "Tagging Plugin!",
		"description"	=> "Allows you to tag other users in your posts",
		"author"		=> "flash.tato",
		"authorsite"	=> "",
		"version"		=> "1.3.3",
		"compatibility" => "14*,16*",
		"guid" 			=> "04eeda1eecb9cffea06f152f204be13f"

function tagging_is_installed()
	global $db;
	return $db->field_exists("tags", "posts") && $db->field_exists("allowtags", "users");

function tagging_install()
	global $db;
	$db->query("ALTER TABLE  `" . $db->table_prefix . "posts` ADD  `tags` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT  ''");
	$db->query("ALTER TABLE  `" . $db->table_prefix . "users` ADD  `allowtags` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT  '" . TAG_ALL . "'");
	$db->insert_query("templates", array('sid' => '-1', 'dateline' => TIME_NOW, 'title' => 'usercp_tags', 'template' => $db->escape_string('<html>
	<title>{$mybb->settings[\'bbname\']} - {$lang->tagging_usercp_settings}</title>
	<table width="100%" border="0" align="center">
		<form action="usercp.php?action=tags" method="POST">
			<td valign="top">
				<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
						<td class="thead" align="center"><strong>{$lang->tagging_usercp_settings}</strong></td>
						<td class="trow1">
								<input type="radio" name="allowtags" value="0" {$notagcheck}/> {$lang->tagging_usercp_noone}<br />
								<input type="radio" name="allowtags" value="1" {$allcheck}/> {$lang->tagging_usercp_all}<br />
								<input type="radio" name="allowtags" value="2" {$buddycheck}/> {$lang->tagging_usercp_buddy} 
							<input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="{$lang->tagging_usercp_update_settings}" />
	$setting_group = array(
		"gid"            => "NULL",
		"title"          => "Tagging Plugin! Settings",
		"name"           => "tagging",
		"description"    => "Manage every single aspect of the Tagging Plugin!",
		"disporder"      => '4',
		"isdefault"      => "0"
	$db->insert_query("settinggroups", $setting_group);
	$gid = $db->insert_id();
	$setting_1 = array(
		'name' => 'tagging_tag_show',
		'title' => 'Tag appareance',
		'description' => 'Here you can set how a tag appears (Variables you can use {profileurl}, {username})',
		'optionscode' => 'text',
		'value' => '<a href="{profileurl}">{username}</a>',
		'disporder' => 1,
		'gid' => $gid
	$db->insert_query("settings", $setting_1);
	$setting_2 = array(
		'name' => 'tagging_tag_pm_title',
		'title' => 'PM Subject',
		'description' => 'Write the subject of the PM that it is sent to the user',
		'optionscode' => 'text',
		'value' => $db->escape_string('You\'ve been tagged'),
		'disporder' => 2,
		'gid' => $gid
	$db->insert_query("settings", $setting_2);
	$setting_3 = array(
		'name' => 'tagging_tag_pm_message',
		'title' => 'PM Message',
		'description' => 'Write the PM Message which will be sent to the tagged user',
		'optionscode' => 'textarea',
		'value' => $db->escape_string('You\'ve been tagged in this [URL={bburl}{posturl}]post[/URL]'),
		'disporder' => 3,
		'gid' => $gid
	$db->insert_query("settings", $setting_3);

function tagging_uninstall()
	global $db, $plugins;
	$db->query("ALTER TABLE  `" . $db->table_prefix . "posts` DROP  `tags`");
	$db->query("ALTER TABLE  `" . $db->table_prefix . "users` DROP  `allowtags`");
	$db->delete_query("templates", "title='usercp_tags'");
	$db->delete_query("settings", "name IN ('tagging_tag_show', 'tagging_tag_pm_title', 'tagging_tag_pm_message')");
	$db->delete_query("settinggroups", "name='tagging'");

function tagging_activate()
	require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
	find_replace_templatesets('usercp_nav_misc', '#' . preg_quote('<tr><td class="trow1 smalltext"><a href="usercp.php?action=editlists" class="usercp_nav_item usercp_nav_editlists">{$lang->ucp_nav_editlists}</a></td></tr>') . '#si', '<tr><td class="trow1 smalltext"><a href="usercp.php?action=editlists" class="usercp_nav_item usercp_nav_editlists">{$lang->ucp_nav_editlists}</a></td></tr><tr><td class="trow1 smalltext"><a href="usercp.php?action=tags" class="usercp_nav_item usercp_nav_editlists">Tags</a></td></tr>');


function tagging_deactivate()
	require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
	find_replace_templatesets('usercp_nav_misc', '#' . preg_quote('<tr><td class="trow1 smalltext"><a href="usercp.php?action=tags" class="usercp_nav_item usercp_nav_editlists">Tags</a></td></tr>') . '#si', '', 0);

//TAGGING API: an external plugin could include this file and then using these functions

function get_tags_from_message($message)
	if(!preg_match_all("#@\[(.*?)\]#", $message, $matches))
		return array();
	return array_unique($matches[1]);

function tagging_get_user($p)
	global $db;
	$p = $db->escape_string($p);
		$extra = "OR (uid='{$p}')";
	$query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid,username", "(username = BINARY '{$p}') {$extra}");
		return $db->fetch_array($query);

define('NO_TAG', 0);
define('TAG_ALL', 1);
define('TAG_BUDDY', 2);
function tagging_can_tag_user($fromid, $uid)
	global $db;
	$user = get_user($uid);
		case NO_TAG:
			return false;
		case TAG_ALL:
			return true;
		case TAG_BUDDY:
			$buddies = explode(",", $user['buddylist']);
			return in_array($fromid, $buddies);

function tagging_send_pm($to, $from, $subject, $message)
	require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/datahandlers/pm.php";

	$pmhandler = new PMDataHandler();
	$pm = array(
		"subject" => $subject,
		"message" => $message,
		"toid" => $to,
		"fromid" => $from
		return false;
		return true;


function tagging_strip_post($message)
	//TODO: inserting a hook in case someone creates a MyCode which doesn't want messed with tags
	return preg_replace(array("#\[quote(.*?)pid='([0-9]+)'(.*?)\](.*?)\[/quote\]#si", "#\[code\](.*?)\[/code\]#si"), "", $message);

function tagging_get_tag_text($uid, $username)
	global $mybb, $parser;
	$str_find = array('{profileurl}', '{username}', '{uid}');
	$str_replace = array(get_profile_link($uid), $username, $uid);
	return str_replace($str_find, $str_replace, $mybb->settings['tagging_tag_show']);

function tagging_load_lang()
	global $lang;
	if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . "inc/languages/" . $lang->language . "/tagging.lang.php") && $lang->language != "english")
		$lang->tagging_usercp_noone = "No one";
		$lang->tagging_usercp_all = "Everyone";
		$lang->tagging_usercp_buddy = "Only your buddies";
		$lang->tagging_usercp_settings = "Tagging settings";
		$lang->tagging_usercp_update_settings = "Update your tagging settings";
		$lang->tagging_usercp_setting_invalid = "We're sorry but the setting is invalid, retry!";
		$lang->tagging_usercp_setting_updated = "You updated successfully your tagging settings";
		$lang->tagging_who_can = "Who can tag you?";

$plugins->add_hook("datahandler_post_insert_thread_post", "tagging_on_insert_post");
$plugins->add_hook("datahandler_post_insert_post", "tagging_on_insert_post");
$plugins->add_hook("datahandler_post_update", "tagging_on_update_post");
//Ok we can't send PMs via datahandler insert as we don't know the id of the post
$plugins->add_hook("newthread_do_newthread_end", "tagging_on_insert_post_send_pm");
$plugins->add_hook("newreply_do_newreply_end", "tagging_on_insert_post_send_pm");

function tagging_on_insert_post(&$datahandler)
	global $mybb, $db, $plugins;
	$message = tagging_strip_post($datahandler->data['message']);
	$found_tags = get_tags_from_message($message);
	$invalid_keys = array($datahandler->data['uid'], $datahandler->data['username']);
	$found_tags = array_diff($found_tags, $invalid_keys);
		$tags = array();
		$uids = array();
		foreach($found_tags as $tag)
			$user = tagging_get_user($tag);
			if(!in_array(intval($user['uid']), $uids))
				if(tagging_can_tag_user($datahandler->data['uid'], $user['uid']))
					$tags[] = array('uid' => $user['uid'], 'username' => $user['username']);
					$uids[] = $user['uid'];
			$datahandler->post_insert_data['tags'] = $db->escape_string(serialize($tags));

function tagging_on_insert_post_send_pm()
	global $posthandler, $datahandler, $mybb, $plugins;
	$pid = $posthandler->pid;
	$tid = $posthandler->tid;
		$tid = intval($mybb->input['tid']);
	$tags = unserialize(stripslashes($posthandler->post_insert_data['tags']));
	if(is_array($tags) && count($tags))
		$uids = array();
		foreach($tags as $tag)
			$uids[] = $tag['uid'];
		tagging_send_pm($uids, $mybb->user['uid'], $mybb->settings['tagging_tag_pm_title'], str_replace(array("{bburl}", "{posturl}"), array($mybb->settings['bburl'] . "/", get_post_link($pid) . "#pid" . $pid), $mybb->settings['tagging_tag_pm_message']));
		//$plugins->run_hooks("tagging_tag_added", array('pid' => $pid, 'tid' => $tid, 'users' => $uids));

//Updating post could mean less tags, more tags or none of both, basically the function checks:
//1) If new tags are added
//2) If some tags are removed
function tagging_on_update_post(&$datahandler)
	global $mybb, $post, $plugins, $db;
	if($post['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid'])
	$pid = $datahandler->data['pid'];
	$tid = $datahandler->data['tid'];
	$old_tags = unserialize($post['tags']);
		$old_tags = array();
	$old_tags_tag = array();
	$old_tags_uid = array();
	foreach($old_tags as $key =>  $t)
		if(preg_match("#".preg_quote("@[{$t['username']}")."#", $post['message']))
			$old_tags_tag[$key] = $t['username'];
			$old_tags_uid[$key] = $t['uid'];
		if(preg_match("#".preg_quote("@[{$t['uid']}")."#", $post['message']))
			$old_tags_tag[$key] = $t['uid'];
			$old_tags_uid[$key] = $t['uid'];
	$tags = get_tags_from_message(tagging_strip_post($datahandler->data['message']));
	$exclude = array($post['uid'], $post['username']);
	$u_tags = array_diff($tags, $exclude, $old_tags_tag);
	$n_tags = array();
		$uids = array();
		foreach($u_tags as $tag)
			$user = tagging_get_user($tag);
			if(!in_array(intval($user['uid']), $uids))
				if(tagging_can_tag_user($post['uid'], $user['uid']))
					$uids[] = $user['uid'];
					$n_tags[] = array('uid' => $user['uid'], 'username' => $user['username']);
			//$plugins->run_hooks("tagging_tag_added", array('pid' => $pid, 'tid' => $tid, 'users' => $uids));
			tagging_send_pm($uids, $post['uid'], $mybb->settings['tagging_tag_pm_title'], str_replace(array("{bburl}", "{posturl}"), array($mybb->settings['bburl'] . "/", get_post_link($pid) . "#pid" . $pid), $mybb->settings['tagging_tag_pm_message']));
	$r_tags = array_diff($old_tags_tag, $tags);
	$r_uids = array();
	foreach($r_tags as $key => $tag)
		$r_uids[] = $old_tags_uid[$key];
		//$plugins->run_hooks("tagging_tag_removed", array('pid' => $pid, 'tid' => $tid, 'users' => $r_uids));
	$data = array_merge($old_tags, $n_tags);
		$datahandler->post_update_data['tags'] = $db->escape_string(serialize($data));
		$datahandler->post_update_data['tags'] = "";

//What if one or more posts are merged? We've to merge tags too!
//For threads itsn't needed as the tags are a post's field
$plugins->add_hook("moderation_start", "tagging_on_merge_posts");

function tagging_on_merge_posts()
	global $db, $mybb, $plist, $plugins;
	if(THIS_SCRIPT == "moderation.php" && $mybb->input['action'] == "do_multimergeposts")
		$mergepost = $mybb->input['mergepost'];
		$pids = array();
		foreach($mergepost as $pid => $yes)
			$pids[] = intval($pid);
		if(count($pids) <= 1)
		if(is_moderator_by_pids($pids, "canmanagethreads"))
			$master_pid = $pids[0];
			$pidsin = "'" . implode("','", $pids) . "'";
			$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "tags", "pid IN ({$pidsin})");
			$uids = array();
			$tags = array();
			while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))
				$t = unserialize($post['tags']);
				if(is_array($t) && count($t) > 0)
					foreach($t as $tag)
						if(!in_array($t['uid'], $uids))
							$uids[] = $tag['uid'];
							$tags[] = $tag;
				$db->update_query("posts", array('tags' => $db->escape_string(serialize($tags))), "pid='{$master_pid}'");
				$post = get_post($master_pid);
				$plugins->run_hooks("tagging_tag_merged", array('pid' => $master_pid, 'tid' => $post['tid'], 'users' => $uids));

//Hook threads deletion and post deletion so i can launch tagging_tag_removed hook!
$plugins->add_hook("class_moderation_delete_thread_start", "tagging_on_delete_thread");
$plugins->add_hook("class_moderation_delete_post_start", "tagging_on_delete_post");

function tagging_on_delete_thread($tid)
	global $db, $plugins;
	$tid = intval($tid);
	$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid,tags", "tid='{$tid}'");
		while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))
			$tags = unserialize($post['tags']);
			if(is_array($tags) && count($tags))
				$uids = array();
				foreach($tags as $tag)
					$uids[] = intval($tag['uid']);
				//$plugins->run_hooks("tagging_tag_removed", array('pid' => $post['pid'], 'tid' => $tid, 'users' => $uids));

function tagging_on_delete_post($pid)
	global $db, $plugins;
	$pid = intval($pid);
	$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "tid,tags", "pid='{$pid}'");
		$post = $db->fetch_array($query);
		$tags = unserialize($post['tags']);
		if(is_array($tags) && count($tags))
			$uids = array();
			foreach($tags as $tag)
				$uids[] = intval($tag['uid']);
			//$plugins->run_hooks("tagging_tag_removed", array('pid' => $pid, 'tid' => $post['tid'], 'users' => $uids));

$plugins->add_hook("postbit", "tagging_show_post"); //If you wonder why i don't use parse_message hook is because i want to be sure that the plugin works only on posts!
$plugins->add_hook("archive_thread_post", "tagging_show_post_archive");

function tagging_parse($message, $tags)
	if(!$tags) return $message;
		$tags = unserialize($tags);
	if(is_array($tags) && count($tags) > 0)
		$replacement = array();
		foreach($tags as $tag)
			$replacements["@[{$tag['uid']}]"] = tagging_get_tag_text($tag['uid'], $tag['username']);
			$replacements["@[{$tag['username']}]"] = tagging_get_tag_text($tag['uid'], $tag['username']);
		return strtr($message, $replacements);
	return $message;

function tagging_show_post($post)
	$post['message'] = tagging_parse($post['message'], $post['tags']);
	return $post;

function tagging_show_post_archive()
	global $post;
	$post['message'] = tagging_parse($post['message'], $post['tags']);

 * Little trick for supporting AJAX Editing, the problem is that postbit hook is not called as it hasn't to return the postbit itself so what do we do?
 * We intercept parse_message event, to be sure that it works after post insertion we add the hook only after that post is inserted
global $mybb;
if(THIS_SCRIPT == "xmlhttp.php" && $mybb->input['do'] == "update_post")
	$plugins->add_hook("datahandler_post_update", "tagging_trick_first");
	function tagging_trick_first($datahandler)
		global $plugins;
		$plugins->add_hook("parse_message", "tagging_trick_second");
	function tagging_trick_second($message)
		global $post, $mybb, $db, $post, $plugins;
		$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "tags", "pid='{$post['pid']}'");
		$result = $db->fetch_array($query);
		$message = tagging_parse($message, $result['tags']);
		return $message;

//We want to display tags also in search results
$plugins->add_hook("search_results_post", "tagging_search_result_post");

function tagging_search_result_post()
	global $prev, $post;
	$prev = tagging_parse($prev, $post['tags']);

//UserCP Settings for tagging

$plugins->add_hook("usercp_start", "tagging_usercp");

function tagging_usercp()
	extract($GLOBALS); //Little trick for getting all variables in global scope, useful for templates
	if($mybb->input['action'] == "tags")
			$val = intval($mybb->input['allowtags']);
			if(is_numeric($mybb->input['allowtags']) && ($val > -1 && $val < 3))
				$db->update_query("users", array('allowtags' => $db->escape_string($mybb->input['allowtags'])), "uid='" . $mybb->user['uid'] . "'");
				$mybb->user['allowtags'] = $mybb->input['allowtags'];
				redirect("usercp.php", $lang->tagging_usercp_setting_updated);
				$error = inline_error($lang->tagging_usercp_setting_invalid);
		$c = 'checked="checked" ';
			case 0:
				$notagcheck = $c;
			case 1:
				$allcheck = $c;
			case 2:
				$buddycheck = $c;
		eval("\$page = \"".$templates->get("usercp_tags")."\";");

You changed tagging_parse($post['message'], $post['tags']) by tagging_get_tag_text($post['message'], $post['tags']); which, from reading the code, doesn't make much sense.
This is just the standard code straight from the plugin.

From what I understand is this loops through a few functions the tagging_show_post is somewhat superfluous but I understand its needs.

This calls the tagging_parse to parse any tagging structures within the $post[message] and $post["tag"]

$post["tag"] is the serialized string of any tags inserted at time of post.

So the tagging_get_tag_text() function then grabs the settings of the tag that is in the database so if I wanted the tagged text to disaplay as say a URL it would do that.

Now ignoring all of that if I simply change it to the following i still end up with the same results.

(this is hardcoding it for a testuser in my system)

function tagging_show_post(&$post)
	$post['message'] = str_replace("@[testuser]", "@<a href='http://mysite/forum/user-1'>@testuser</a>', $post["message"]);
	return $post;

Then make a post tagging @[testuser] the display still doesn't change.

Just ran the code on my local fresh install and it works. this means it's conflicting with another plugin, so back to the drawing board to find what that might be

The issue is caused by the preparser cache plugin. Looking to work on that now