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Full Version: 404 error during registration
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When users try to register, he click agree in Registration Agreement and then fill up the form but when clicking Submit Registration button, the user will be greeted with 404 error. Has anyone solved this problem? Any help please.
forum link ?
You have now this problem ?? Did you have install any plugins live captha for registration?
can you guys try to test it because some of the users can go on. i did try to register new user and it push thru.. link is here.
"member.php" is missing on your forum
as far as i know i don't think that you can just copy and paste it you must make new re-install to solve this
you can try tho here i re-uploaded the member.php file from mybb package
you mean fresh install?
I can see i have a member.php in the root.
(2012-07-27, 05:45 PM)enhu Wrote: [ -> ]you mean fresh install?
I can see i have a member.php in the root.
then check the chmod and set it to 755
then let me know if it worked
you need to rihost the file member.php and set the permission to 755
what do you mean rihost?
I've set it to 755, can you once again try to register.
(2012-07-27, 05:57 PM)enhu Wrote: [ -> ]what do you mean rihost?
I've set it to 755, can you once again try to register.

it works
anything else mate ? : D
Pages: 1 2