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I want to install the Cloud 9 Templates.

Can someone help me on how to do this? the instructions werent really clear. and my pages ended up with a bunch of broken links -_-
ok, find the frostbite folder with all the images, and upload it to you main directory where index.php, member.php, search.php etc are.

Next, go to admin CP > Themes > Import > Import Theme From Your Computer > Click broswe button > find frostbite_mybb, theme_mybb or similar, and double click. Then click the import the theme button.

Viola. All done. If you made any custom mods, you'll have to do them again though.
hmm... i did that, but my page ended up with broke links. do i have to upload the images one by one or can i just drag the folder?
got a link to it please??
ah, ok. No problem. Go to:

Admin CP > Themes > Modify/Delete > frostbit > Image Path

Change from frostbite/ to just frostbite

That should work
yep thanks.

But now I'm trying to install

that Mod.

I'm assuming that the mod will make our threads have a CLOSED button beside the NEW THREAD button when the thread is closed. But I'm having trouble with that too -_-... how do we do this? I've already edited the code, and did everything it says to do which is:

Mod Installation File Wrote:---------- [ OPEN ] --------------------------------


---------- [ FIND ] --------------------------------

if($thread['poll']) {
$typepre = $lang->poll_prefix;

---------- [ AFTER, ADD ] --------------------------

if($thread['closed'] == "yes")
{$typepre .= $settings['closedprefix'];}

---------- [ SAVE AND UPLOAD ALL FILES ] -----------

and the code says:


/*														*
 * 			Closed Threads Prefix MOD
 * 				   Version: 1.0
 * 				By: Musicalmidget
 *														*/

require "./global.php";

$install = $db->query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES ('NULL','closedprefix','Closed Threads Prefix','The prefix on forum display for all threads which contain polls.','text','<b>Closed:</b>','10','7')");

	echo "<b>Installation Error</b><br><br>\n";
	echo mysql_error();
	echo "<b>Installation Successfull</b><br><br>\n";
	echo "Please delete this script for security purposes.<br>\n";
	echo "<a href=\"./admin/index.php\">Go to admin control panel.</a>\n";


I'm lost... I can't get there to be CLOSED button. Help please?
You assumed wrong sorry. What you want currently does not exsist. The link you gave does something totally different. Go request it at
The mod you were trying to install simply allows you to assign a prefix for closed topics which is visible on the forum display page (first mod I ever made Toungue). It doesn't add a closed button to closed threads.
is it possible to have a closed button on closed threads? Because my mods sometimes get confused and close the thread twice x_x (opening it)