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Full Version: custom message in forum
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how can i make it so i can put custom messages questions in new topic

but beable to choose which forum i want the questions to be in

like the picture
thank you so much again

[Image: 46276874.png]
You can use the rules option of forums for this.

[Image: ae4a2743.png]
but if i put rules
can it be like a question so people can do a answer


i want to put
so people can write amount

contact details
so people can put number
You can do poll threads and make them sticky? Or put html in the forum rules suggested in: if you dont know how to change / add rules for forums go to your Admin CP -> Forums & Posts -> Click on the category you wan't the poll in -> Edit Forum Settings -> Additional Forum Options -> Scroll a bit until you see Forum Rules (3 settings up from the start of the permissions). Reply if you wan't me to breack this post up to make it easier to read.
just tried it

that isnt what i mean i want the options to be in new topic
so when people post a new topic

it auto says in it



I'm sorry I don't quite follow.
I think hes saying he would like to integrate a contact form, with custom fields into threads of his choice. shep100uk, you're gonna need a plugin for this. If you cant find a proper plugin, I suggest you install the HTML in posts plugin and make your own contact form
This sounds like a perfect use case for xThreads.
brad-t thanks
this is what im after

but i want it to only show in certain forums
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