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Full Version: How do I disable "threaded view"
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How do I disable the threaded view feature it seems to be the default some how :/
To disable it by default goto ACP --> Configuration --> Settings --> Show Thread Options --> Disable 'Usenet Style Thread View'.

You can remove the option from UserCP's by going to ACP --> Templates & Style --> Templates --> Your Theme Templates --> User Control Panel Templates --> usercp_options and remove:
<td colspan="2"><select name="threadmode"><option value="">{$lang->use_default}</option><option value="linear" {$threadview['linear']}>{$lang->linear}</option><option value="threaded" {$threadview['threaded']}>{$lang->threaded}</option></select></td>

To disable it for all users on your forum you can also run this SQL query:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `threadmode` = 'linear' WHERE `threadmode` = 'threaded'

Hope this helps Smile
Ah I missed a few bits Toungue
Didn't realise you had a tutorial ^_^.