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Full Version: Mybb, Internationalized domain name and Opera
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I have a problem with my mybb board URL information removed . As you can see, it has internationalized domain name.

The problem is, when users using Opera try to login into forum, they get error message like this:

Invalid URL

The URL [b]URL information removed[/b] contains characters that are not valid in the location they are found.
The reason for the problem may be a mistyped URL, but the URL may also be an attempt to trick you into visiting a website which you might mistake for a site you trust.

Any idea how to solve it? Please ask if additional information is needed.

Account information removed
That's weird I just access the site through opera no issues
Error happens when logging in.
Thank you for your comment. Could you clarify: is there anything I can do to fix this or will it be fixed? I'm not sure how I should approach solving this problem as I'm new to mybb.
I just logged in using Opera. The test account is banned. No error seen

I am on Opera
Solved it by replacing content of header_welcomeblock_guest with:
<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=login">{$lang->welcome_login}</a>
<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=register">{$lang->welcome_register}</a>