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Full Version: I Got error my forum when clear the cache
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I use MyBB forum maybe couple month before, yesterday, i got error in my forum website because I want to try clear/deleted my cache. because it really disturb me, because the history or cache won't gone when I change the data. such as change the theme and threads.

I looking at your forum, and I found the article how to clear the cache. In there wrote : Delete all file in myBB_datacache in phpMyAdmin. So I did it. and my forum was error .

So please help me how to clear and delete cache ?

if available, please provie it with the pictures. so I can atudy it.

Thank you very much
What error are you getting? Error codes & Screenshots will help.
Could you provide a link?
Thanks All Friends,

Yeah, the errors are CODE 42 and 43. And I was call my hosting provide, and they was restored all my database. and My forum getting well now.

But my question is :

" I was found in this forum to clear cache in myBB is deleted the file in myBB_datacache, and from there I got erorr.

So My Forum still getting "never changed without Refresh Page", it means cache still working on it. so I was tried to rebuild cache in cache manager in my CP admin, but it doesn't works. 

when I found other articles, they said must delete the files in cache folder in my cpanel : like --> forum/cache/themes/themeX. in that folder content css and HTML file . I am afraid to deleted without advice from the expert. 
So how the excatly the way to clear my cache ? because the cache really disturb me when I customize my forum .[/b][/i]

Many Thanks for your time to help me