I wanna thank eubenor w/e his name is for my previous problem. Is there a mod so people on mybb can have more than 1 rank? For example the same guy can have moderator and admin rank with their images of course? And 1 more. Is there a mod where people can post like this on the forums and not like they post now?
![[Image: S1HHG.png]](https://camo.mybb.com/78e7a91a067dc0efd5154da9d782bf43eb3a6dc6/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f53314848472e706e67)
ok thnx for the mod it's working now how can i post like on that ss?
You mean the classic postbit?
Admincp -> Configuration -> Settings -> Show Thread Options -> Display posts using the classic layout
Now run this query in PHPMyAdmin (or whatever database manager you use):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `classicpostbit` = '1' WHERE `classicpostbit` = '0'
To remove the option from Usercp:
Admincp -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Your Template Set -> User Control Panel Templates -> usercp_options
<td valign="top" width="1"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="classicpostbit" id="classicpostbit" value="1" {$classicpostbitcheck} /></td>
<td><span class="smalltext"><label for="classicpostbit">{$lang->show_classic_postbit}</label></span></td>
Replace with:
<input type="hidden" name="classicpostbit" id="classicpostbit" value="1" />