Could you check your server's PHP info and ensure the GD extension is listed (ACP > Tools & maintenance > View PHP Info)? Also, split this off to a new thread as this one is quite old.
EDIT: just checked your site and you seem to have disabled the captcha image altogether. If you want help fixing the issue you'll obviously need to enable it first via ACP > Configuration > General Configuration > CAPTCHA Images for Registration & Posting > MyBB Default CAPTCHA
I just checked the settings in the forum, the captcha is enabled, and the inv captcha is set to no for now.
The captcha works fine on the msf script so I would think the extensions were ok, but, I never installed gd so will check the server.
Are you absolutely sure it's enabled? The whole captcha container isn't showing so that tells me it isn't...
The block shows when I use the simple captcha plugin, but the image is void then.
In other news, entirely unrelated I am sure (insert embarrassed face here) I am currently re-compiling apache with the gd mod.
I was thinking that since the smf images worked they were installed already when I had apache put on the server.
Will post update here in about half hour.
Thanks for the nudge, , , ,
Ok, hopefully that will sort it out then as we do depend on GD (though I'm sure you can't install if the dependencies aren't met...).
Ok, it looks like the install (gd) is done now, but still no image on the captcha, though the block is now showing.
Next idea?
This is fixed now.
It seems that the captcha.php was chmod to 755 (sleep deprived brain may have thought I was working with cgi)
Anywho, this issue is now solved, on to the next one.
Thanks again.
Glad it's all sorted now
Where do I run this : yum install php-gd?