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Full Version: Forum Setting: Need Some Advice???
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I just have some questions about some Settings.

First off:

Attachment Options

Attachment Quota:

Here you can set the attachment quota that each user in this group will receive. If set to 0, there is no limit.

_______ KB

What's a good number to use for this option???

I am trying to get my Attachment Bandwidth Usage down. Right now it's set to 0.


Also, is it better to show attachments as a Thumbnail or Full Size Image?

Attached Thumbnail Maximum Height
Enter the height that attached thumbnails should be generated at.

____________What's a good number to have here? I currently have 10 for both maximum height and width.


Avatar settings

Does anyone know the default setting that MyBB uses for their avatars?

Right now I have the following:

Show Thread Options
Maximum Avatar Dimensions in Posts

The maximum dimensions for avatars when being displayed in a post. If an avatar is too large, it will automatically be scaled down.

Maximum Avatar Dimensions
The maximum dimensions that an avatar can be, in the format of widthxheight. If this is left blank then there will be no dimension restriction.

Max Uploaded Avatar Size
Maximum file size (in kilobytes) of uploaded avatars.
10 ---- The current number I have.

Forum URL:
(2012-08-16, 02:40 AM)ALUXi33 Wrote: [ -> ]What's a good number to use for this option???

Depends really on how much server space you have, also there is a limit. Which is shown underneath
ACP > Tools & maintenance > Max Upload/ Post size.

But that is something your host puts up as a max.
Generally letting anything be uploaded over 5mb is quite useless. I dont really see any point in the attachments so i have disabled it completely and link to an external image hosting site that has a nice integration system with mybb.

Quote:Also, is it better to show attachments as a Thumbnail or Full Size Image?

I would say thumbnail, but im not sure if you set it to full size if that also means it doesnt create a thumbnail sized image in the upload folder. So if that is the case it could save a really small amount of room, using full size otherwise just go for thumbnail size.

Quote:Attached Thumbnail Maximum Height
Enter the height that attached thumbnails should be generated at.
What's a good number to have here? I currently have 10 for both maximum height and width.

I wouldnt make them that small honestly rather go for 100x100 or something so that people with an image atleast can see something.

Quote:Avatar settings

Does anyone know the default setting that MyBB uses for their avatars?

Right now I have the following:

Show Thread Options
Maximum Avatar Dimensions in Posts

The maximum dimensions for avatars when being displayed in a post. If an avatar is too large, it will automatically be scaled down.

Would make it 90x90 for the post.

Quote:Maximum Avatar Dimensions
The maximum dimensions that an avatar can be, in the format of widthxheight. If this is left blank then there will be no dimension restriction.

Would make this 100x100.

Quote:Max Uploaded Avatar Size
Maximum file size (in kilobytes) of uploaded avatars.
10 ---- The current number I have.

Make it something like 15kb or 20kb most gif stuff is still blocked then. While users can atleast upload a bit higher quality image.