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Full Version: Forum Navigation Pics Included
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Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I did spend an hour going through the ACP and searching the forums here. I need help with what is probably a simple click of the mouse will solve.

[Image: forumnavigation.jpg]

I have been searching for the answer using key terms like forum navigation and forum links which produces a lot of results.

Thanks in advance for any help
ACP>Templates & Style>Templates>*your theme*>Show Thread Templates>showthread

Add this code where you want it:
Mr. Paul

Wow on two fronts, #1 super fast response time and #2 you opened my eyes to a whole new level of forum editing that I didn't know existed.

Worked Beautifully. It took me a few minutes to get to where you pointed because I didn't know it existed, because I am blind Smile

Again thanks a bunch
No problem Smile