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Full Version: increase character count in portal_latestthreads_thread {$threadlist}
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How can you edit the truncate limit, so that you get a higher character count in the title of each thread link within {$threadlist} (portal_latestthreads_thread)?

It's mind boggling, but searches for "portal_latestthreads_thread" and "latestthreads" turn up exactly zero results on these forums.
The limit is hard-coded in the core. It is currently set at 25, which you can edit (I recommend using patches for keeping track of all core file edits).
In ./portal.php, line 414:
		if(my_strlen($thread['subject']) > 25)
			$thread['subject'] = my_substr($thread['subject'], 0, 25) . "...";
Thank you so much Andrew!