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Full Version: Content Encoding Error
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I tried to login and my browser once again prompt this error message. I was fine days ago but now its back. is this the fault of my host or simply someone is just trying to annoy me?
Quote:Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
try this :
Edit ./inc/settings.php, find the setting for having GZip on, and change it to 0. Then, you should be able to get to the ACP, and you'll need to change the setting again in the ACP.

I'm aware this is an old topic but i just had this exact same problem and just fixed it.

In my case, it turns out it was being caused by the Country Flag plugin.

Disabling the plugin resolved the error.

It's always worth disabling all plugins and enabling them one by one to find out if they are causing issues.